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Forces Out Crossword Clue

Forces Out Crossword Clue

What Does Forces Out Mean?

In crossword puzzles, the clue "forces out" can have several different meanings, including: *


To drive out or force to leave.



To throw or cast out.



To expel legally from a property.



To remove from a position or office.

Examples of Forces Out

Here are some examples of how "forces out" can be used in a sentence: * The army was forced out of the city after a long siege. * The tenant was evicted after failing to pay rent. * The CEO was ousted after a scandal.

Synonyms for Forces Out

Some synonyms for "forces out" include: * Compels * Constrains * Drives out * Ejects * Expels

Antonyms for Forces Out

Some antonyms for "forces out" include: * Admits * Allows * Invites * Permits * Welcomes

Forces Out Crossword Clue
